"It appears they don't know I'm not president" - Hillary Clinton calls out Fox News for manufacturing lies about her

Just as US President Donald Trump has repeatedly called out CNN and other news outlets on twitter for not supporting his adminstration by reporting against him with 'lies' , Hillary Clinton has also now called out Fox News - who clearly dislike her (even though she's not the President) and other democrats not buying into the Republican agenda. In a video trending online, Clinton said;
"All the networks except Fox are reporting about what is really going on. And Fox is peddling these stories about me.. It appears they don't know I am not president. They even say things like she should be impecahed. So you have got partisan journalism with an outlet like Fox and they are just in the business of manufacturing lies. They are really the handmaidens of the Russsian propaganda and so the rest of the press owes a higher duty to all of us who are trying to figure out what is going on."
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